Writing and Videos

Music and branding, research, teaching, music.

The Shiny and the Deep (In Praise of Reviewing)

Learning something shiny and new is easy. Deepening your understanding of something you already know is harder.

New ideas are a dime a dozen. But good ideas? The ideas that will change your perspective or shape your art for the next six months, the next six years?

Those are rare jewels, and they're often already there your mind's ore. You just have to mine for them.

And the best way to mine your own mind is to write down your thoughts. Journal like ​Dorothea Brande​ or ​Josh Waitzkin​. Write a letter to a friend like ​Seneca did​, sharing one piece of wisdom that you are meditating on.

This week, consider spending time reviewing the ideas you already know are meaningful to your life and art. Look for patterns and themes. Write them down. Add a comment below with one idea that has stuck with you from this newsletter.

To help you get started, check out my internal database of all of the newsletters I've written, ​organized by theme​. It's a peek into my internal database, where you can look back on the themes we've covered over the last few months.

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